Lomi - our at home composter

Wait, you can compost at home? A counter top compost machine? Yeah - like smelly food scraps to dirt in a matter of hours.

We bought the original Lomi back when it was an Indiegogo campaign, and use it all the time, so we truly know the product and can speak from genuine experience.

We love the Lomi cause it gets rid of the food waste that collects mold and flies when sitting in a compost bin. Mostly, it just makes us feel better about ourselves and our impact.

A few things to note:

  • You have to actually run the thing. It takes effort to remember to run it often, and not wait till you have a gross moldy mess in your compost bin or leftovers in your fridge. You know what I mean, the part where you bought the expensive thing to make your life easier, but then you’ve got to motivate yourself to actually use it regularly? (not gonna see me buying a peloton)

  • It makes sounds and smells. It’s about the equivalent of a dishwasher or laundry dryer, but we like to run ours while we sleep so the grindy noises don’t interrupt whatever we are watching. And if the filters are in need of a changing, it gets to be smelly when running.

Try it yourself! They have 30-day returns and a one year warranty.

Buy your Lomi here.


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who gives a crap? we do!